How To Reuse Your Old Makeup Brushes In A Creative Way

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The beauty industry has an ugly side – it has a waste problem.

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Yes. Even though both buyers and business are doing their best to find sustainable solutions to this problem, we have a long way to go.

Our planet is suffering from a disease of pollution, and it’s us who have generated this disease. And whether we like it or not, the beauty industry is a great contributor to this problem.

So are we saying you should stop buying your favorite beauty blenders or lipstick? No. But you sure can help the planet by making sure you have completed used and reused them before throwing them away.

And that’s what we will be discussing today! How can you reuse your old makeup brushes in creative ways to help reduce waste and have fun. So let’s start!

For Nail Art

So you have used up your old eyeliner and are about to throw away the brush – but wait, don’t do it yet!

You can use your old eyeliner brushes to do nail art and paintings! If you are a nail artist, you can use them to draw detailed patterns on your nails.

An eyeliner brush is so thin it can be a masterful tool in creating amazingly detailed nail arts that you couldn’t do otherwise.

For Painting

I know you must have lots of paintbrushes already if you are a serious painter by hobby or profession.

But in case you are not, you can use your old makeup brushes for various art pieces and paintings. While creating a piece of art, sometimes it’s better to take a different path than the traditional one.

For Cleaning Your Keyboard

We have all been there! The micronuclear particles of dust that settle over your laptop’s keyboard and give you pain are irritating.

Especially when you try to clean them up using a cloth or any other duster – it doesn’t work! But guess what can work like magic? Your old face makeup brushes like your powder brush or kabuki brushes!

These makeup brushes are so light, soft and thin! That’s why they can clean your laptop’s screen and keyboard without scratching the surface too hard!

Condition Your Leather


Conditioning leather products keeps them in great condition for a long period. And if you have been using old towels for this work, then it’s time to switch.

While towels and other such fabrics can leave scratch marks on your leather products, there is an alternative for that too.

You can use your old foundation brushes to condition and moisturize your leather products. These makeup brushes would be a gentler alternative and work better than old towels and cloth pieces.

You can use the bigger foundation brushes for wider and easier access surfaces. Concealer brushes can be used for reaching the tighter surfaces in your leather belt, purse or shoes.

As A Duster

The old fan brushes that have no use anymore can be used as a duster. Use them for small and congested workplaces and crannies.

For example, do you find it difficult to clean behind the small pocket mirrors? You can use fan brushes as a duster to clean them. Or do you have small showpieces or paintings on the wall that you can’t dare to touch with harsher fabrics? Then these makeup brushes are your answer to the problem.

For Polishing Small Wooden Boxes

Ah, we all have those small wooden boxes or any other storage box that we love with all our hearts. Instead of using older clothes, you can use your older makeup brushes to oil them and save them from rot.

In fact, they can also be used to keep your metal equipment and tools clean and shiny – especially if you live in humid weather.

For Arts And Crafts

There are tons of DIY arts and crafts that people can use for relaxation and creativity. And trust me, nothing works better than older makeup brushes when it comes to DIY arts and crafts.

Let’s look at some ways you can do this:

● Use fine brushes for painting intricate designs on your craft.

● Use eyebrow brushes for drawing finer textures and patterns in a drawing.

● Use finer brushes as the glue brush in ultra-small and fine places to avoid the mess that comes with using glue.

● Use makeup brushes for sprinkling glitter over your craft whenever necessary. This will help you avoid the trouble of getting them stuck on your hands and fingers.

For Self-Care Routine

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Wondering how old discarded makeup brushes can be used in your self-care routine? Here’s how!

You can use old mascara brushes to apply eyelash serums or growth enhancers to your eyebrows.

You can also use old foundation brushes to apply your weekly or monthly peeling solution for clearer skin. Just make sure you have thoroughly cleaned the brush before and after use.

Not just that, old makeup brushes can also be used for applying face masks – it makes for a much cleaner and less messy experience than the usual.

As A Scrubber

Sometimes no matter what you do, it can get extremely frustrating and difficult to remove grout from the tiles of your floor. Use makeup brushes like eyebrow brushes to clean the grout and other stains from the floor tiles easily.

These makeup brushes are soft enough not to scratch a surface and small enough to get inside tight corners. Using them, you can clean the usually unreachable nooks and crannies with ease!

For Cleaning Fabric Stains

All you wanted was some extra ketchup – but on your sandwich, not your pretty satin dress! Fabric stains are a whole different kind of headache, especially if they happen to spoil your favorite dress and a delicate fabric.

Soft makeup brushes can be used to remove those stains with the help of detergent. They do it in a rather soft way, without harming the sensitive fabric of your clothes.

So next time your silk dress gets stained, remember to use your softer makeup brushes rather than your usual fabric scrubber.

Where your regular fabric scrubber might get rid of the stain, it can also damage the fabric. Using these softer makeup brushes can get your work done without ruining your dress’s texture and fabric!


Who knew that older makeup brushes could be used in so many different ways? The truth of the fact is that they can be used in a multitude of ways if you know how to get creative.

The beauty industry has a lot of responsibility. There’s a lot of contribution to make in developing sustainable makeup manufacturing process.

You can contribute to these efforts from your own side by making sure you generate as little waste as possible.

Can you come up with even more creative ways to reuse your makeup brushes and packaging? When you get creative, you might be able to make your own little contribution in limiting waste generation.

If not, then do try your best to follow these tips and make your contribution to developing a sustainable beauty industry!

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